We have four babies: two dogs and two cats. We love animals. All animals.
I firmly believe that, if one is going to have a pet, one must go to great lengths to care for and spoil it. Nothing makes me angrier than to see a neglected pet. I have to be careful here lest I go on a tirade about the subject. Dogs should NOT be chained up all day and night without attention and companionship. It makes them territorial and increases the risk of their becoming vicious and harmful. All young children should be supervised when handling pets - little people don't realize when they might be hurting the animal. Caged animals need attention as well. How would you like to spend your life alone, in a small defined space, with no interaction? If you aren't going to be attentive to your pet - DON'T HAVE ONE!
No animal deserves to be teased or abused. People who do so should be locked up and treated in a like manner. Ditto for the heartless idiots who use dogs and birds for fighting. Don't even get me started.
Anyway, I thought you might be interested in seeing some of my favorite pet photos:

QE adopted us. She showed up, pregnant, one day when our neighborhood was under construction. No one claimed her. We thought we'd found a home for her with our neighbors. QE had a different idea, however, and proceeded to birth her babies underneath our house. She's been our baby ever since. We think she's about 13 years old now. She pretty much rules our roost.

Our college student daughter decided that she, too, needed a puppy when we brought Scooter home. It only took a couple of months, however, before she realized that an apartment was no place for a puppy who needed housebreaking. Nor was it easy for a student with classes all through the day to be consistently available to potty train a pup. We were asked to "baby sit" while she searched for a home. Of course the two puppies bonded (and so did I). My better half PUT HIS FOOT DOWN and adamantly refused to have a 4th animal in our house. Five years later, our daughter still hasn't found a home for Bailey. And we're now a big happy family of four beloved pets.

QE is regally sitting atop my sports car. She is our lap cat. She actually follows me around the house, waiting for me to sit down. As I type my blogs, I often have to dust off the cat hair from the keyboard! Not that it matters to Q!
Baby Belle is our upstairs cat and our bedfellow. She's never taken to the dogs, as has QE, so she stays in our bedroom most of the time. While the pups sleep downstairs in the den, and QE sleeps wherever she wants, Baby Belle has staked her claim in our bed. She snuggles up to my better half while he reads before turning out the light. Then she nests next to my legs. Sometimes she waits on the balcony for the 11:00 news to end, so she can come downstairs for her nightly 'treat' before bedtime. If we're taking too long, we'll hear a 'meow' from above.

Scootie is our mellow fellow. He definitely defers to our Alpha Male, aka: my better half. They have long conversations whenever Dad comes home from work or travel. In fact, the only thing that really gets Scoot Man into trouble is his nose. Tasty smells get the best of his better judgment. Many a contractor has had his breakfast stolen from the cab of his truck while it was parked in our driveway. A renegade coonbeagle jumped in, stole the McDonald's bag, and was off before anyone could say "sausage biscuit."
We do love our animals. They are so much a part of our daily routine. No matter how stressful life may get, the unconditional love offered by these four-legged creatures can lift our spirits every time. How on earth can anyone not appreciate all that a pet has to offer? God's love is infused in the spirits of the animals. We only need to pay attention to reap its benefits.
1 comment:
Hi! Surfed in through BE and noticed you have a link to animal rescue. I have a rescued racing greyhound and always like to stop and say hello to fellow animal lovers. Hope you'll pop on over!
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