Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Favorite Things

Stop the treadmill for a few minutes and think about things that make you feel good. Here are some of mine:

Watching the male cardinal place a morsel of food in the female's beak during mating season.

Rocking a sleeping child in my arms.

Seeing my better half get really tickled at something.

Smelling the gardenias or tea olive blossoms from my back deck.

Watching and feeling the approach of a thunderstorm on a summer afternoon.

-Then taking a nap while it rains.

Seeing my children laugh together.

Giving a 'winner' of a Christmas gift.

Having all my pets asleep in my lap.

My mother-in-law's fried okra.

Getting a package in the mail.

Reading the Sunday paper.

Wedding music.

Key lime pie.

Fresh peaches.

The baby-like call of the goldfinch.

Winning an auction on Ebay.

Any Toby Keith song.

Having all of my family at my house at Thanksgiving.

Kittens and puppies.

Getting a new Madame Alexander doll.

The smell of fresh baked cookies.

Cornbread & buttermilk.

Autumn trees in all their brilliance.

The quiet of falling snow.


The Christmas song, "O Holy Night."

Sitting on the front porch after supper with my better half, watching the world go by.

When someone leaves a comment on my blog.

Remembering someone's name from long ago.

Dancing to beach music.


Sleeping late.

Coffee in the morning.

Reconnecting with an old friend.

A clean car.

I guess this is enough for now. There are many more. What makes you feel good?


Anonymous said...

As a teacher, one of my favorite things is seeing a child's face light up during that moment of "I get it!"

Annake said...

One of my favorite things is playing "You Can't Catch Me!" with my nephew. Who needs exercise when you're chasing a five-year-old around the house? :-)

Anonymous said...

my favorite thing is smelling leaves burning on a crisp and sunny fall afternoon.