
This looks like a pretty good B&B. Think I'll stick around.

A Downy Woodpecker enjoys the suet.

A Carolina Wren on the nugget feeder.

A Rufous-sided Towhee with his mouth full.

A White-throated Sparrow checks out the scenery.

The Slate-colored Junco is a ground feeder.

Ms. Cardinal surveys the back yard.

Mr. Cardinal has a sip of water.

Give it back. That one was mine.

Hey Pal! You're sitting in the food!

'Scuse Me? You in there? We're getting low on seed here.

DEB, love your bird photos. I envy your backyard visitors as well as your camera work
I agree with RJR. I just love these pictures. And kudos to you for knowing all the types you encounter! It's enjoyable to the eyes and educational to the brain!! :p
Wonderful pictures - beautiful birds.
It's almost as if the bird was posing for you...just waiting for you to take its picture!
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