Monday, June 12, 2006

The Bluebird Diaries - Chapter 5

Last week, I spent nearly all my time on the nest. Mister Blue brought the older kids to the roof across the street, so I could see them.

Of course, they just couldn't stay away from me.

"Mama?" one called, "are you in there?"

"I'm here, BlueBerry."

"Are the eggs hatching yet?"

As a matter of fact, they were!

On Friday, we had two hatchlings! Blue Velvet and Elijah Blue! Aren't they precious?

Mister Blue was beside himself. He passed out mealworms to all the other birds, whether they liked them or not!

He is really good about helping to feed the hatchlings. We both take turns digging up grubs or bugs to bring to them. Mister Blue likes to feed them. He is forever poking his head in the bungalow, just to make sure everything is all right.

The weather didn't get scorching hot again until a couple of days ago, so our babies stayed at a good temperature. Most of the time they sleep.

We keep a close watch now. This is when those poor chickadee hatchlings met their demise. I just don't think I could stand it if something happened to my angels.

Our landlord feels like they're her babies, too! She checks on them nearly everyday. She makes sure they don't get too hot by turning on the hose. It really helps.

Two days later, we had a third hatchling - Jackie Blue! We'll be happy with three babies even if the fourth egg doesn't hatch. No doubt we will stay busy collecting bugs for their hungry bellies as they grow bigger.

There are a lot of finch fledglings twittering around the bird feeder now. They're doing pretty well at landing and cracking their own seeds. Sometimes Mister Blue and I sit on the hook and watch them all. It won't be too long before our own brood will be flitting around, only they won't be eating seeds.

Here are the three hatchlings so far. We are so proud!

Next: Mealworms!


Anonymous said...

I think you might need some grandbabies soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your story. You should publish it. You have a good style.
