Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Bluebird Diaries - Chapter 6

Look how much my babies change in just two days!

The first picture was taken when they were four days old; the second picture was made when they were six days old. They are getting so fuzzy!

Of course, their eyes aren't open yet, and they still sleep a lot, but they sure know it when Mister Blue or I come to the nest with a bug! Such a racket as you've never heard!

The temperatures here dropped twenty degrees one day this week. Imagine, going from 87 one day to 67 the next. Well, you can be sure I stayed on the nest that entire day. My babies' body temperatures aren't regulated yet, and they needed to be kept warm.

Of course, the next day was back up in the 90's, so they were fine by themselves. The landlord even turned on the hose mister again for us.

This morning our landlord moved the mealworm deli closer to our bungalow. All our kids were with us. They wanted some of those readily-available worms, but we insisted they find their own bugs. These were for the babies! You just can't always make it too easy for kids lest they learn to be lazy.

In this picture, my mouth is full of mealworms! Please pardon my manners, but it's easier to take a mouthful to the nest than one at the time!

BlueBerry likes to go with her dad to feed the babies. She will make a good little mama one day.

Nestlings stay put for about 16 to 22 days before leaving the nest. After that, they'll stay with us for food and protection for three to four more weeks.

Mister teases me about being an empty-nester.

"Bonnie Blue, you won't know what to do with yourself when all these kids fly the coop."

Oh, he just doesn't know!

Next: The wet tee-shirt contest

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