Monday, May 29, 2006

The Bluebird Diaries - Chapter 2

The neighborhood is quickly becoming a din of cheeps and twitters. Fledglings are in the trees and on the feeders, noisily calling for their parents to "feed me first!"

The Titmouse family seems to have produced the most babies. My goodness, they are everywhere! There are also many Finch fledglings - both purple finches and gold finches. Mister Blue and I are happy to note some Chickadee fledglings after the unfortunate demise of our bungalow's previous residents.

Now that our nest is decorated just the way I like it, it's time for me to get busy.

While Mister Blue tends to the fledglings from our last brood, I spend the morning in the bungalow. Those little guys do miss their mama, though.

One morning I had a visit from Blue Chip. He couldn't figure out how to navigate our veranda, since his nest was without one. It was just as well. I didn't really care to address his issues at the same time I was concentrating on egg-laying!

I shooed him on back to his dad.

Mister Blue checks on me throughout the morning. He is very attentive like that.

Sometimes we talk about names for the babies. I'm thinking maybe Jackie Blue or Blue Jean or maybe Blue Belle.

"How about Blue Lagoon?" Mister suggested.

You know, I didn't even dignify that one with a response.

No baby of mine will be called Blue Lagoon.

Finally, our first egg arrived! Isn't it just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

I will lay an egg every morning until the entire clutch is laid - usually 3 to 5 eggs. Since this one is blue, they will all be blue. The presence of an odd-colored egg might indicate that some other bird has dumped her egg in my nest! We won't be having any of that.

Next: The days get long and hot.

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