Thursday, January 13, 2005

Correct Me If I'm Wrong, But . . .

*Medical costs are sky high. -- The medical profession blames the insurance companies; malpractice insurance is a must, and it costs a bundle. -- Insurance companies blame the legal profession for suing anybody for anything. -- YET - who would the legal profession represent if those (who must pay the sky high medical costs) don't agree to pursue a lawsuit?

Sounds to me like we have a bunch of greedy people being encouraged by a bunch of greedy lawyers who give cause for a bunch of greedy insurance people to charge high insurance rates to an entire profession who, except for a few incompetents, does a pretty good job. If you don't think the doctor can do a good job, stay sick.

*Pharmaceutical costs are sky high. -- Some people opt to purchase their meds from Canada, where they cost less. -- The actual cost of many drugs are pennies per pill, yet the cost we pay can be even $50 per pill. -- We push for more and better meds to combat horrible diseases. -- YET - the legal profession and its clients sue the drug companies for anything that goes wrong, causing the rise in risk insurance to the drug companies, who may opt to stop researching the very drugs we want to combat horrible diseases -- and, by the way, research isn't a cheap process.

Sounds to me like we have a bunch of greedy people being encouraged by a bunch of greedy lawyers who sue the drug companies who then take their industry overseas (another story entirely) or who cut back on the very research we need. Additionally, those who truly need the medications can't afford to take them. Ever wonder why Canadian drugs cost less?

*People are squawking about the high cost of living. -- People are squawking about US jobs going overseas or about illegal immigrants taking jobs from legal US citizens. -- Let's see: industry is in the business of making money, or else it wouldn't be in business in the first place. -- Basic economy would explain why a company should produce at a lower cost than it sells. -- US industry is so regulated, and unions demand higher prices for US workers to the point that it's more economical to hire people overseas who are happy to work for less pay in order to stay alive. -- perhaps their governments won't subsidize their lifestyles if they don't have a job. -- if the cost to produce is high, then the cost to buy will be high, then the cost to live will be high, then the regulations will be stiffer, then the cost to produce is high, etc. etc. etc.

Sounds to me like the legal profession represents clients who don't want to work and who sue anybody for anything, thus forcing US industry to move someplace where they can simply produce a product for a profit. Or that the government feels the need to regulate industry that supports our economy and fuels the taxes that pay the welfare to the people who don't want to work and who will sue for higher paying jobs that cause production to be high, etc. etc. etc.

And another thing or two:

* since when is it up to us to judge whether or not it is okay to have a partner of the same sex? Shouldn't that be left up to our Maker when we stand before St. Peter at the gates of Heaven? if it's not okay, then some folks are going to be mighty upset when they get there, but, hey, they made their own choices.

*God put forth 10 Commandments for us to follow. One of them was "Thou Shalt Not Kill." How much clearer can that get?

*I believe there is only one God. How we worship Him is determined by our culture, geography, history, and genetics. Ergo, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and all the other Isms are different ways of worshipping the same God. So why the big fuss? Who are we to judge who's right? The important thing is that we believe, and that we worship. We will all have to put forth some solid answers at the Pearly Gates. God gave us brains; it's up to us to use them. (Osama, are you listening?)

*Why do we think we have to understand everything? Maybe there is some truth in evolution as well as creationism. Somebody had to create that first cell, or the elements that came together to make the first cell.

I could go on, but I'll save it for another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you felt the same way about all religons being pretty much equal (a different way to worship) as I do. Keep up the non- bias thinking